Social media for researchers

Given the distance of time since my last post I was tempted to make this one about ‘not spreading yourself too thin’, another time maybe (when I’m not spreading myself too thin). Instead this post focuses on a social media workshop for PhDs that I presented together with @angefitzpatrick and @meg_librarian yesterday. Here is the prezi we used.

We are lucky to have an active PhD body here who absolutely ‘get’ that we offer more than traditional library services and this was our 2nd session with them on social media. This time around we planned to put more meat on the bones and decided to separately prepare information on social media tools and activities that might prove viable to researchers, divided up into three main areas: gather, store, and share. For a variety of reasons, we only path-ed the prezi we used just before the session, having independently added in the materials for our sections. This explains why overall the prezi looks very unbalanced (see below), not to say unplanned, however, despite its messy appearance it ended up flowing very well and the session felt coherent.

2 thoughts on “Social media for researchers

  1. Ned Potter says:

    Thanks for writing this up Andy, it’s really useful.

    Incidentally, I always introduce blogging (in session aimed at librarians, but it could work in this context too) in the way I heard it discussed by a suspect on CSI Miami: “You know, that thing where losers say what they did all day.” 🙂


  2. libreaction says:

    I *think* I presented a good defence of blogging, although next time would want to address the issue of academic blogging in respect of intellectual property – a biggie that I really should have anticipated.


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